The original Department of Defense definition of Remote Viewing was The learned ability to transcend space and time, to view persons, places or things remote in space-time; to gather and report information on the same.  In other words, to spy on the real or perceived enemies of our nation using a human ability to perceive and record information about a target that is far away from the person doing the Viewing.  During the Cold War, these targets spanned the imagination from tracking and locating nuclear weapons and downed aircraft; locating suspected double agents operating in and out of the USSR; unraveling acts of terror, and tracking illegal drug shipments, to name just a few.  Former members of the military Remote Viewing unit operating from Fort George O. Meade in Maryland, indicate the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Science and Technology, described Remote Viewing as The structured, scientific use of natural human ability for the acquisition of target information without being dependent on the normal five senses; knowledge of the target [also called front loading]; assistance or information from other people during the session [also called monitoring and leading]; logical deductions [guessing or thinking analytically to deduce what the target is]; external stimuli developed through the use of electronics, [for example, light, sound, or other environmental enhancers].

Today, Remote Viewing is described in as many different ways as there are individuals teaching, talking, or writing about it. This description is mine alone; it is my version, nothing more.  My version follows a scientific pattern of language used to describe the human interaction and interface taking place within the protocols of Remote Viewing.  I teach that Remote Viewing is the learned ability to use two inherent kinesthetic human abilities to detect and decode four-dimensional waveform data into coherent three-dimensional thought form, and to further objectify this data into two-dimensional medium.  I know that sounds like a mouthful, so let’s break it down and understand it clearly.

In the world of quantum physics, everything is energy and energy is everything; therefore, on some level, everything can be expressed in waveform.  It is this waveform data through which the Remote Viewer becomes aware of or perceives information during the Remote Viewing session; the period during which data relevant to the distant target is acquired.  It is this waveform expression of the target and all of its components that the Viewer perceives, and then records in the form of visual data (contour sketches and detailed renderings), and verbal data (using language to express color, texture, temperature, taste, sound, smell, energetic data, dimensional data, aesthetic data, emotional data, tangible data, intangible data,) and other elements of information depending on the length of the session and the intention of the Viewing session.

The more you study and understand the quantum perspective of the universe in which we exist, the more you will understand and perfect your ability to Remote View.  To say that you are the instrument in Remote Viewing is a correct statement; detecting and decoding waveform data relies on this instrument aspect of the Viewer; more on this in a moment.  However, to let it stand at that, is accepting a self-imposed limitation to ones potential.  It is like a beginning javelin thrower being told by a coach, You are the propellant; just throw it in this direction.  The finest javelin throwers in the world; the Olympians, make it a point to understand everything about their art; for them it becomes a science.  They study aerodynamics, trajectory, nutrition, conditioning, altered states (the zone in sports), psychological warfare, positioning, and hundreds of other variables that allow them to dominate the competition and fly their javelins to new records in distance.  Remote Viewing is no different, and to imply that it is, smacks of an ignorance of educational analysis and training methodology.

To anchor yourself as a Remote Viewer, to absorb the protocols and their meaning, to establish a program of improvement, to set training goals and adhere to training standards, requires your understanding of the science of the quantum world.  Further, those who seek to truly excel in this art and science will work diligently to understand the biology of the brain; the physiology of the body; the power of intention, how to achieve and sustain an altered state, how to analyze training progress, and again, there will be hundreds of other variables which one can monitor and master in an effort to develop as a Remote Viewer.  Ignore these requirements and you relegate your interest in Remote Viewing to simply that, an interest.  It will be nothing more than a stroke of a subtle curiosity, a dalliance, an entertainment, side show act or hobby.  There is nothing wrong with this if this is all you desire; unfortunately, many individuals really want to be good at this, yet they are led to believe that you are the instrument and this is all you can expect and this is fundamentally at a cross purpose to progressive learning.

In the protocols of Remote Viewing, detecting and decoding waveform data is the fundamental methodology.  This may sound like something very odd, yet you are doing it constantly, you are in fact doing it right now.  Virtually every instant of your waking life is filled with the almost unconscious metronomic activity of detecting and decoding four-dimensional waveform data, and decoding it into coherent three-dimensional thought form.  Before I go any further, let me say that the four-dimensions of which I am referring are defined by three spatial dimensions of height, width and depth, and the fourth dimension is a temporal one that of time.

Let’s look at a relatively simple example.  You are reading this description, either from a printed page, or from a computer monitor.  Light waves (not to get into the classic argument as to exactly how light travels let us agree it will be in waveform for this explanation) are moving from the monitor or the printed page to your eye.  These instruments called eyes, perform a critical function of detecting the light waves and transforming this waveform data into electro-chemical responses that are sent to the biological brain.  The brain detects these signals and decodes them into coherent three-dimensional thought form.  Put another way, your brain recognizes the various patterns of ink on the page that constitute the letters in the written words of the language you comprehend.  The decoding process in this example only works if you understand the language, this is the only way it can be coherent.  Your appreciation of the words in the decoding process is then linked to your experience rolodex; all that you have previously read about, witnessed, experienced, et cetera.  For example, when a child reads the word death, it is likely that the child will have no experience or reference to death and therefore the word, the decoded data means little or nothing.  However, if the child has experienced the death of something, let’s say a pet or a member of the family, the child will physiologically respond when reading the word death.  The decoding process will ignite a subjective response in the child that can span a wide variety of objectification.  The child may cry, stop reading, or reflect on the loss or on some pre-event (death) occurrence.  If the child speaks about the word death, or how the word makes him or her feel, this is called a verbal objectification, and the decoding process is considered complete for this example.

If an artist looks across a landscape, a similar process to your reading of this page is taking place.  The difference is the artist in engaged in the art and science of detecting the light waves and decoding them into coherent thought form.  The completion of the decoding process involves the objectification in two-dimensional medium, i.e., placing paint on a two-dimensional canvas, or dragging a pencil across a two-dimensional piece of paper.  If the artist were to close the eyes, would the imagery stop?  The answer is no.  At first there would be what is called persistence of vision, the electro-chemical data flow to the brain from the imagery still impacting the retina of the eye.  The older you are, the longer it takes for this to dissipate.  However, once it subsides, is there more data available to the artist?  Yes, there is.  If the artist and canvas were taken inside, where the landscape could no longer be seen, could the artist still paint?  The answer is again, yes.  Would it be accurate?  That depends on a number of conditions; the state of the instrument (the brain), anxiety levels, analytical processes or ability to reconstruct from memory, and other variables.  On the other hand, if the artist can relax, if the artist can forget the name of what it is that he is looking at, if the artist can let go and just begin detecting the waveform expression of the landscape, with eyes closed or open, he can begin decoding the data into three-dimensional thought form, and continue the objectification process by finishing the painting this is a loose example of Remote Viewing.

What about hearing?  Is that detecting and decoding four-dimensional waveform data?  Is that data decoded into coherent three-dimensional thought form, and can this thought form be objectified into two-dimensional medium?  Of course it can.  Sound travels in waveform across three dimensions of space with an element of time inherently applied; you are aware of the speed of sound, just as you are aware of the speed of light.  The instruments again, this time ears, transform the waveform data into electro-chemical responses or signals that are sent to the brain.  The brain decodes the signals into coherent three-dimensional thought form, or spoken language, subsequently, which one can identify with.  If you do not speak the language you are hearing, then the brain decodes the signals into what would be considered simply, sound.  If the listener understands the language and is making notes on what they are hearing, then this is an example of objectification into two-dimensional medium, and the process is again complete.  Detecting, decoding, objectifying.  Detecting four-dimensional waveform data, decoding it into coherent three-dimensional thought form (in this case language, sound, music, et cetera.), and objectifying by writing on paper what is heard.

To explore another Remote Viewing example, let us say I ask you to close your eyes, and I prompt you to go to a beach in your mind; a beach you have visited before.  I can ask you to see the beach, smell the beach, hear it, and even taste it.  I can direct you to explore the temperature of the water, the heat of the sun on your flesh, the texture of the sand beneath your feet, and all of this sensory information would be available to you.  You can smell the salt air; feel the cool water and the thermal energy of the sun.  All of this sensory data is coming from what; your imagination?  You are not physically at the beach, so where is the data stream coming from?  If you decide it is imagination, then what is the origin of imagination?  Where does imaginary data come from; what constitutes imagination?  Is this recall, is it a fabrication, or is it detecting and decoding waveform data that is relevant to the actual beach distant in space-time?

In fact, your ability to do this will rely upon all of these elements.  You will produce a certain amount of data from recall; remembering the last time you where there by sparking the neural network of the brain, prompting it to release sub elements of data embedded holographically in the neurons and glial cells of the biological brain and beyond.  You will fabricate a certain amount of the data; a construction of sensory data that will be as unique to the scenario as you are.  And, there will be elements of data that match the beach in real-time, people on the beach right now, the weather conditions, smells, tastes, activity, emotions and the like as they exist right now on planet earth.  The difficulty is that you will not be satisfied with this answer, you will want to know what is recall, what is fabricated and what is real, or in the lexicon of Remote Viewing was it raw viewing data.

Well, this is what you will learn in class; how to use the dogma of the Remote Viewing protocols to detect four-dimensional waveform data relevant to a target distant in space-time; to decode this data into coherent three-dimensional thought form; and to objectify this data into two-dimensional medium in the form of visual and verbal sensory data.  You will sketch the contours of the target, the textures and dimensions of the target.  Further, you will be trained to decode and objectify verbal sensory data, by describing and listing the colors, temperatures, smells, tastes, sounds, including verbal descriptors of energy and dimension as well as texture.  As you move deeper into the protocols you will be trained to detect and decode aesthetic data, emotional data, tangible elements of data and intangible elements of data.  As you reach the end of the basic training protocols you will be trained to assemble your visual perceptions into detailed sketches of the distant target called renderings.  You will be trained to use your verbal data to complete these renderings, too, fill in the blanks; to use verbal data to prompt visual data and use visual data to prompt descriptors and supporting verbal data.  You will do all of this over a period of ninety-minutes, producing anywhere from forty-five to sixty-five pages of verbal and visual data.  You will do this without ever being told what the target is before or during your exercise; and you will produce on average, thirty-five to forty percent accurate and useable data.  And, if you practice, if you study this art form and this science, you will only improve.

So what does this do for me?  Well, that is another question, and the answer to that question will take another ten pages.  Suffice it to say that in this existence, we all believe in something.  All of us, there are no exceptions to this rule, we all believe in something.  Even if we believe in nothing, we believe in something.  The human quest in this existence is for knowledge; we are on an eternal quest for knowledge that honors a timeless path toward wisdom.  Each of us measures the attainment of this grail in our own way; some measure it in financial abundance, some in spiritual awareness, others in personal power, others in quality of life, and the list goes on.  You may measure the story of your life, the purpose of this existence in any way you desire but think of how different would this life be, if you knew you are more than the physical, and that you have access to the waveform expression of all life, of all thoughts, of all things in the matrix field of all dimensions?  How different would your life be, if you could see around the corner of time, just to the other side of the moment?  How would you look at the person you love if you knew they were eternal, as are you?  How would you guide your business if you could see beyond the surfaces of the competition, into their thoughts, their intentions?  How would you guide your children in this existence if you knew that they were going to be responsible for ushering the human condition out of the next destructive phase of the global society, or into the next rebuilding phase of the global society?  How different would your life be, if you knew that all you have to do is close your eyes and look through the darkness, through the event horizon of time to see the next great breakthrough in medicine, education, technology, science and so forth?

Believing is easy, it requires little from us in the long run.  Because the belief is conceptual, it routinely alters itself, morphing from this to that based on superficial needs and desires.  Beliefs are conveniences that can only become knowledge through the experience of doing, in the physical and the nonphysical existence.  If you want to know more; if you are ready to move from believing to knowing, then Remote Viewing is for you.  The ability is not unique to me or any other former military trained Remote Viewers, we all have it, we all have the ability.  You have always had it, through every breath, every blink of the eye you have been connected to something greater than yourself; your conditioning has taught you to believe in the possibility of this, but to doubt it could ever exist within you.  Your conditioning has told you to doubt yourself and in this doubt to stop listening to the still small voice inside.  Remote Viewing is simply a manifest protocol designed to offer you irrefutable and undeniable evidence that you can see distant in space-time with a variable yet increasing degree of accuracy.  This evidence is what transforms your belief into awareness, a knowledge offering you a new perspective on a life filled with promise and possibility.