Meet Dr. David Morehouse – International Best-selling Author and the world’s leading teacher of Remote Viewing and Spiritual Transformation

When the universe speaks it is on purpose and we need to listen. It is always speaking to you, it never stops. Most spend lifetimes accepting limited potential. Remote Viewing is a tool for transformation, a doorway to another world, a world within.  You can live life without the illusion of yesterday or tomorrow; you can see past the suffering and fear to an existence of infinite promise and possibility.  By learning basic tools from the foundational science of Remote Viewing you have the power and ability to reclaim your life from the world of “I can’t” flinging you headlong into a paradigm of “I can”. You can learn to live fearlessly by understanding the constructs defining “the moment” and relating the physics of the metaphysics to your inherent ability to transform personal and collective destiny. Believing is easy, it requires little from us in the long run.  If you want to know more; if you are ready to move from believing to knowing, then Remote Viewing is for you.

Dr. Morehouse is the world’s leading Remote Viewing teacher, and has trained tens of thousands in this fascinating and life changing protocol. Formerly a highly decorated special operations officer in the US Army, he is the subject of a soon to be released movie. He is author of the international best-seller Psychic Warrior which is available in 14 languages. His most recent book is Remote Viewing, the Complete Handbook for Coordinate Remote Viewing.

David Morehouse, Biography

Dr. David Morehouse has had an extremely diverse life, which in the words of his superiors, essentially began with a notable military career.  He held a Regular Army commission in the United States Infantry and is a Distinguished Military Graduate, and a Dr. Ralph D. Mershon Award winner, designating him as the top cadet commissioned into the Regular Army in 1979, amongst 2,800 other potential candidates.

During his tours of duty, Major Morehouse served in many staff and command positions ranging from Airborne rifle Company Commander to Commander of an elite Airborne Ranger Company—he commanded for over four years while the majority of his peers commanded only eighteen months.  He was Aide de Camp to two army generals, the Battalion Executive Officer (second in command) of the 680 men of the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, as well as being the Chief of Training for the 13,500 men and women of the 82nd Airborne Division.

From 1987 to 1991, David Morehouse was assigned to several highly classified special access programs in the US Army’s Intelligence Security Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Science and Technology as a top secret Psychic Spy, a Remote Viewer.  An Army Ranger, Master Parachutist, Pathfinder, Scuba Diver and Special Operations Soldier, his distinctive military skills place him in a select group of army officers.  He holds a Master of Military Art and Science Degree, a Masters degree in Administration, and a Doctorate in Education.  The recipient of numerous military awards and decorations, his last assignment was to have been with the Chief of Staff of the Army’s elite “Study Group” as the non-lethal weapons expert.

Despite being designated by his superiors as “Destined to wear stars,” he resigned his commission in 1995 after his decision to write Psychic Warrior resulted in unfounded charges being filed against him—his resignation ended eighteen years of exemplary and honorable military service. David Morehouse later challenged the allegations made against him in 1993, and was successful in having his discharge upgraded to fully honorable, after proving to the Army discharge review board, a panel of five Colonels, that the allegations against him were baseless, without merit, and devoid of credible evidence.

In the years since he resigned, David Morehouse has written four books:  Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA’s STARGATE Program, Nonlethal Weapons: War Without DeathRemote Viewing: The Complete Handbook for Coordinate Remote Viewing, and The Deceivers, his first work of fiction.  The latter—The Deceivers—was recently purchased by Paramount Pictures as a feature film with Mace Neufeld producing and Simon West directing.  Psychic Warrior is an international bestseller published in 14 languages.  Universal Pictures is presentlydeveloping a feature film based on David’s life story, as recounted in Psychic Warrior, to be titled Comes the Watcher.  Nonlethal Weapon

: War Without Death, is considered an academic work and has met with much critical acclaim in the world of strategic planners. Remote Viewing: The Complete Handbook for Coordinate Remote Viewing is the most comprehensive how to book available on remote viewing.

Dr. David Morehouse has twice lectured at the Mikhail Gorbachev Foundation’s State of the World Forum on issues concerning global peace and alternative methods of conflict resolution.  In 1999, a committee of scientists and educators from the United States and Europe nominated him for the Nobel Prize in the category of “Alternative Sciences.” More recently he has been a guest lecturer at Stanford University’s MBA Creativity in Business course, and at Deepak Chopra’s Alliance for a New Humanity in Puerto Rico.

Dr. Morehouse formed Remote Viewing Technologies in 1997, a company initially designed to train police officers in the art and science of Remote Viewing. In early 1998, Dr. Morehouse began training civilians in the exact military protocols and standards to which he was trained in the Remote Viewing unit, circa 1987 to 1990.  To date, well over 15,000 students have been trained in the United States, Europe and other far-reaching parts of the globe.

Dr. Morehouse’s Remote Viewing students find their way to him from a diverse range of backgrounds.  He lectures and educates across the spectrum of human interests.  His students include (but are not limited to) medical doctors, researchers in science, medicine and technology, engineers, homemakers, physicists, students, artists, and alternative practitioners.

His teachings and writings have been especially appreciated in Europe where his reputation and his evolving humanistic philosophies have earned him countless accolades in the European Press where he is routinely described as “one of Europe’s leading new metaphysicians.”

David resides in Southern California with his wife, Patty DeMartin Morehouse. Following a very successful corporate career, Patty has served as a Life Coach and trainer for some of the most powerful Fortune 500 executives and entrepreneurs for over 15 years. She has been a Remote Viewing Trainer with her husband, since 2000.